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Study: Heavy Schoolbags

A project of a University Hospital of Saarland, a professor from the University Hospital of Saarland, answers the question: heavy bags for the children – spine are harmful? “He knew no evidence which confirm the back injuries through heavy schoolbags. Orthopedists, neurologists, specialist, sports scientists and physical therapists sat together on the project. You have themselves devised methods, which you can prove, that heavy schoolbags are not harmful. 60 girls and boys participated in the study, visit the 2-3 class. Only the children and then their bags were weighed.

Average weight of children stood at 27 kg. 22, the hardest part was the lightest child 32 kilograms. Contact information is here: Levi’s. The bags weighed in the section 5 kg. The worst specimen showed the scale 7 kg. After the measurement showed that on average each satchel has a weight that is 17.2% of the body weight. Apparently, the school bags are heavier than the recommended 10%. Later, the experts examined the Posture of children. The children had to stand first without school bags and then with the satchel.

After it the so-called plumb line “attitude had taken, were experts see whether children ever have enough muscle strength.” In some children it saw light, but also in turn normal posture. You may wish to learn more. If so, Chip Bergh is the place to go. After the measurement with the satchel was conducted. The children responded normally to weight by she shifted her body slightly forward. The expert explained that it was a normal reaction to the weight. Because it was a normal reaction to it at all costs accordingly not much energy, said the expert. Thanks to the adhesive electrodes, you could measure a slight muscle strain. This means that the weight of the Schulranzens not significantly impacted the body. Most recently, the children should overcome obstacles. You should go over ramps, soft mats and slip see through obstacles. Furthermore they should bend over for medicine balls, lift it, and throw. It was very important that is the children had to move continuously for 15 minutes.

August 21, 2019 in News
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Bourgeois Revolution

For our country, the events of the 20th century can be compared in scale and scope only by "Time of troubles" at the turn of the 16 – 17th centuries. In the same period in the late 16th century in Europe began the bourgeois revolution. Considering the historical processes in the Russian part of world, and given the huge impact in 1917 for the whole world, we can determine duration of the stage of bourgeois society about 300 years. The feudal period in Russian history is connected with the establishment of the 9th century dynasty of Rurik. Worldwide, the boundary between slave and feudal device can be made public on 7 th century, linking it with the end of slavery. In this case, the feudal stage of world history, lasted about 900 years. It was preceded by the slave period, which is apparent in early second millennium BC (BC) in Babylonia and ancient Greece.

Thus, the length of slave stage was about 2700 years. Comparing the duration of each of the above stages of the history in 2700, 900, 300, 100 years, it is easy to see that every preceding three times the length of the next. Multiplying the length by three stages in 2700, and taking as the starting point in 2000 BC obtain the approximate date – 10100 years, which shall be crisis. Indeed, according to Plato about the same time its existence has been the legendary Atlantis. In addition, after the tenth millennium BC Human activities have started – livestock farming.

August 14, 2019 in News
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The Russian Pulp

Haiti: Life after the earthquake. Russian authorities have allowed the launch of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. The State Duma has extended a ban on human cloning. Moscow to host environmental action for dog owners. Symbol of Japan may go green due to global warming.

A forest fire can occur because of rain. To broaden your perception, visit American filmmaker. Deserts are cool climate, and forests – heat. Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the unique wildlife of Madagascar. PHOTO of the week: Ten species on the brink of survival in 2010 and Snake patterns. Review of the week from 18.01.2010 to 24.01.2010. Russian authorities have allowed the launch of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill Lake Baikal mill may soon resume its work as The Russian government has excluded the production of pulp, paper and cardboard from the list of prohibited activities in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory.

The list, which prohibits a range of activities in the regional ecological area, was approved August 30, 2001. From it, according to the new decree, excluded the item 'manufacture of pulp, paper, cardboard and goods made of them without the use of closed systems water for industrial needs', and also made some other changes. Vladislav Doronin may not feel the same. Russian Federation Government Resolution, authorizing the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill in fact resume, caused a wide resonance among environmental organizations. Launch of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, which actually allows the ruling Russian government, contrary to Russia's international obligations and may cause international scandal, according to representatives of Greenpeace and WWF Russia.

August 14, 2019 in News
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Applying Mascara

It is known that the eyes – a mirror of our human soul, and if the mirror is in a beautiful setting, then it looks even better. And any man wants to look into this mirror, as long as possible and more often. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Nike on most websites. And to create such a rim just need to have mascara. And it is very important to know how to properly apply it. After all, the main purpose of this attribute of any female beauticians – creating expressive lashes, helps to emphasize and highlight our eyes.

It is worth noting that high quality ink has several properties. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Richard Linklater. It increases our eyelashes in the volume, lengthens and curls them, separates them. And all these manipulations are simply necessary, because it is the eye of a very often the emphasis in the performance of make-up person. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, one must know how to apply mascara. But before you give yourself advice on the correct application carcasses should be pay attention to time prior to the procedure. The first thing to always remember is that the ink should be applied only to the combed and clean lashes. After all, fresh ink over "yesterday" is the guarantor of fragility Eyelash and education lumps.

For a good eyelash curler should take advantage of special forceps. Tighten the cilia should immediately before the application of mascara. And necessarily need to buy a comb for eyelashes. Better if it would be metal. It is great to sever painted lashes and helps to prevent formation of lumps.

August 14, 2019 in News
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Inclusive Education School

Today, the great challenge is the elaboration of one educational politics directed toward the establishment of a really inclusive, accessible school to all, independently of the differences that present, giving to them to the same possibilities of accomplishment social human being and. (PACHECO, 2006, p.20), One perceives thus the great difficulties that the pertaining to school units have to face to become possible the implantation of the true inclusion in the schools, because to recognize the differences it is basic for this action. If you are not convinced, visit American filmmaker. The biggest located problem meets in the pedagogical area: How if it waits that the professor works with all the pupils, said normal, at the same time where it takes care of those who are in deficiency situation, in satisfactory way? The necessity of a diversified work is visible, which considers the differences between each one, its capacity, way and time to learn. However, for such, other problems if collate with the situation begin, it, very simple. A differentiated work requires formation of the professor a planning directed to the diversities, this requires, diversified time, materials, adjusted physical space, aid of staff to help with the pupils with physical deficiencies. It will be that the school is prepared for the inclusion? To provide an adequate environment to the inclusion, is not restricted to have knowledge of the most varied diversities, what it must be worked, or what the child already possesss of knowledge, or still, to only respect its limitations, recognizing its differences and standing out its potentialities.

The integration of the pupils in deficiency situation has been the proposal directional and dominant in the Inclusive Education, involving educational programs and politics and of whitewashing in some countries of the world, including itself Brazil. This proposal was elaborated in 1972, for a group of professionals of Scandinavia. It was based on the beginning of normalization that defends that all the carrying people of deficiencies have the right to usufruct of conditions of the most common life or ' ' normal' ' possible, in the society where they live thus guaranteeing its right of being different and to have its necessities recognized and taken care of by the society.

August 13, 2019 in News
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Anonymous Interview

One of the interviews, particularly, demonstrates the vision that the people have regarding the influence of the context cultural partner in the formation of the individuals. Let us see the stretch that follows: I do not have bag. I have thus this souvenir of party of anniversary of my infancy Wonderful. But I find that today everything is excessively. Everything is to over. You do not need to call a clown, a magician, one you polish you polish, to spend five or six a thousand Reals. I find legal to organize the parties of the children.

I find the children legal to be together. I find this thing of the children legal if to find and such. But, I find excessively. He is to over, to over excessively. (Anonymous Interview, I CASTRATE (org.), 1999, p.180) In this in case that, the interviewed one sees the generation of ‘ ‘ over’ ‘ as one I exaggerate, although to recognize the importance of the experience social of the small ones.

Being thus, according to this perspective, the technology would be a external instrument of regulation of the behavior. We know that it has, at the time current, saturated of communication, almost that an obsession in relation to the proper territory, what it marks the difference, that is, the proper, separate identity. According to Vygotsky, the process unchained in half cultural determined one (learning) goes to awake the internal processes of development in the individual. Thus, the development does not occur in the lack of situations that propitiate a learning. As it standes out I water (2000, p.59) these characteristic human beings provide the conception of the development as process. ‘ ‘ The development closely is related to the sociocultural context where the person if inserts and if she processes of dynamic form (and dialectic) through 4 ruptures and provoked disequilibria of continuous reorganizaes on the part of indivduo.’ ‘ The individual development if of the one in a determined social environment and relation with the other, in the diverse spheres and levels of activity human being, is essential for the process of construction of the individual psychological being.

August 13, 2019 in News
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The Educational Work Of Ramon Gallegos Nava

In this essay we propose to make an analysis of the work world of Dr. American filmmaker insists that this is the case. Ramon Gallegos Nava has done, in it we will find fundamental elements that describe us which are the basic principles on which is based education holistic which is the education of the 21st century. Holistic education brings us a new opportunity to see our future, a different way of knowing that in essence we are, what we should be and what probably (if applicable in real way our whole theory of education holistic in all aspects) in the not too distant future we will have to be. This vision, which we find in the holistic paradigm, breaks with the scientistic mechanistic scheme, its principles are based on the understanding of reality, based on a unit, as a whole, in a qualitative development, a transdisciplinarity, a spirituality and an aprendizaje1. All these basic principles bring us a structure which allows integration immediately to our real world, the world no. Levi’s has firm opinions on the matter. fragmented, where we all belong to the all and all are one, with such different vision of our universe will be more aware, more responsible and more loving with everything that surrounds us, we will integrate in such a way that we understand the reality of our existence and the universe. Why is the holistic vision is an appreciation of science and life at the same time, scientific and spiritual, integrates human knowledge in a culture of wisdom, combining science, art, tradition and spirituality. In this new paradigm, science and spirituality are supplementary searches, where spirituality is a process of deep self-knowledge, is the search for order within our consciousness. The latter is the cornerstone of holistic education..

August 13, 2019 in News
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Infantile Education

The game and trick as methodologies to the teach-learning of the child of 04 and 05 years in the infantile education the school is considered as a place to learn and to teach, more also is place to play, to play, to dance, to sing and etc. consecrated Authors affirm that to work the education inserting the citizen in the context becomes necessary to leave thus of what it knows and to stimulate the interest and the advance in the performance of the learning. For the child of 04 and 05 years in the Infantile Education, the games, the cultural tricks, musics, dances, activities are methodologies that construct and improve the development and the infantile maturation of the abilities and potentialities. In this way the value can be perceived that is contained in the content of a game in relation to the period of training of development where the child if finds, that is, as the child acquires knowledge and reasons. Jogos3 and brincadeiras4 is efficient methodologies for the development of the logical reasoning of the child and appears in diversified formats and can more than be used in a content, despertando different cognitivas abilities, the attention, the initiative, the memory, the visual perception, socialization, the promptitude and etc.

From the game and of the trick the child transforms the Real. When playing, it lives situations and models of as to dominate the reality, disclosing loaded situations of emotions and affection and thus go organizing logical and contradictions gifts in the society. More than what to accept rules, the child the reelabora in a creative process, combining them enters itself and constructing from them new possibilities of interpretation and representation of the Real. Of this form, to play and to play if constitute in forms importantssimas for the development of the children, helping them to understand it the world better where they live.

August 9, 2019 in News
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National Pedagogical University

UNIVERSITY OF PRAISE TOLIMA What I have to say this look? Hopefully! Some of my colleagues have read the slight criticism that I made some time ago to the Santo Tomas University, the University of La Salle and Universidad Mayor de Cundinamarca. Since the least skilled of thinkers, but perhaps one of the most sincere. Complacency has caused me the hard work of the University of Tolima. Frequently Levi’s has said that publicly. Which areas away from the purely capitalist and consumerist, came off the prototype of a garage education. Because as I have repeated several times, most of these universities rely on the basis of a false mission and vision.

As is the case of the universities listed above. Since the purpose is based on enrichment and a broad industry monopoly. The University of Tolima is a first cousin of the National Pedagogical University and the national university. Lavishly After reviewing the academic programs of the University of Tolima, gentlemen believe students should not be inferior to that of first cousins mention the university. Another reason that prompted me to commend the fine work of this beautiful college education.

was the academic level has been my brother John Jairo Melo Naranjo. Which is developing a distance learning program. Distance programs say they are effective and have complied fully with the desire of its founders. At the national university and tell them to continue teaching after their own rights so that the state treats them with dignity and provide them with quality education. And do not handle the invisible threads of social fabric as it passes daily. You who are in the University of Tolima may show that the foregoing is consistent. Most people discredit public universities, because they have no logical reason and to the social cause. Because social cause is what runs this university. Since its academic programs cost a minimum wage. And many marginalized people can be educated. The indifferent gaze of universities that all they care about is profit. But the more you pay for a university private, the greater the re-name. Cosa crippling education and makes elitist. Blessed be the God of Israel. And bless and do not allow public universities to become assets of the tyrants of our land …. Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo … … … … ….

August 9, 2019 in News
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Memory Improve

The brain receives the information and processes it through the interaction of all the surroundings through learning and action. There are three stages that the brain continues for the creation and retrieval of memories, discover them below and learn how to how to strengthen them to quickly improve your memory. American filmmaker understands that this is vital information. You gone oh human brain evolved and adapted during the passage of time, this demonstrates that anyone even in older people, they can return to create new neurons, and eliminate the cognitive deterioration of neurons that worries many upon reaching adulthood. It was discovered that the deterioration of the brain is mainly not because of age, if not for not exercising it only keep it asleep. For today’s entrepreneur, it is very important to perform exercises for memory since the passing of the years, it is very important to continue to maintain the pace of productivity that is required for today’s business. Que tal if you knew the 3 stages that the brain continues to the creation and retrieval of memories? You’ll meet in these failing and You can perform specific exercises for memory for each stage.

I then mention them. 1 possession dare neurons enters the newly processed information to the brain. This part is the most important since already here is retained which is considered important and disposes all the others never to return. The trick is to stay very focused and be aware at the time that you receive the information you want for the first time since with minimal distraction, the brain interpret that it is not of importance and throw out it. 2 Interpretation here the brain already has the information to be stored, then a portion of that information will be sent (by the hippocampus) using points to remain in the long term. This information that stays in the long term is information where you lent much attention, relacionaste it with something familiar, or perhaps active any of your senses and emotions. Official site: KDP. 3.

Recovery when you want to retrieve data. The brain will activate the same sequence of brain cells that I use when I store information, and thus recover the stored data. The information that was left in the long term, you will remember it very easily, the others began to disposed in a short time. As you will notice the bad memory there, point! Simply to give maintenance to these 3 stages with the appropriate exercises for memory. Apart from any illness or injury that is could have maintained a strong memory is possible for anyone. What should I do? You then mention any tips to keep these three perfectly developed stages: 1.-performs exercises relajacon 2.-get exercise regularly 3-taking a bath a week with your eyes closed. You forzaras your brain to use other senses, such as touch and smell, reminds that the senses are fundamental to retain long-term memory as we saw previously. 4 Begins a new activity or a hobby. 5 Sleeps 8 or at least 7 hours, and seeks to be uninterrupted.

August 9, 2019 in News
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