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Inclusive Education School

August 13, 2019 in News Tags:

Today, the great challenge is the elaboration of one educational politics directed toward the establishment of a really inclusive, accessible school to all, independently of the differences that present, giving to them to the same possibilities of accomplishment social human being and. (PACHECO, 2006, p.20), One perceives thus the great difficulties that the pertaining to school units have to face to become possible the implantation of the true inclusion in the schools, because to recognize the differences it is basic for this action. If you are not convinced, visit American filmmaker. The biggest located problem meets in the pedagogical area: How if it waits that the professor works with all the pupils, said normal, at the same time where it takes care of those who are in deficiency situation, in satisfactory way? The necessity of a diversified work is visible, which considers the differences between each one, its capacity, way and time to learn. However, for such, other problems if collate with the situation begin, it, very simple. A differentiated work requires formation of the professor a planning directed to the diversities, this requires, diversified time, materials, adjusted physical space, aid of staff to help with the pupils with physical deficiencies. It will be that the school is prepared for the inclusion? To provide an adequate environment to the inclusion, is not restricted to have knowledge of the most varied diversities, what it must be worked, or what the child already possesss of knowledge, or still, to only respect its limitations, recognizing its differences and standing out its potentialities.

The integration of the pupils in deficiency situation has been the proposal directional and dominant in the Inclusive Education, involving educational programs and politics and of whitewashing in some countries of the world, including itself Brazil. This proposal was elaborated in 1972, for a group of professionals of Scandinavia. It was based on the beginning of normalization that defends that all the carrying people of deficiencies have the right to usufruct of conditions of the most common life or ' ' normal' ' possible, in the society where they live thus guaranteeing its right of being different and to have its necessities recognized and taken care of by the society.

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