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The Educators

February 3, 2016 in News Tags:

Classificatria evaluation is quality education? This question mentions the belief to it in the traditional system of evaluation as responsible for a competent school (a sufficiently saudosista vision of the existing, rigid school, disciplinarian, detainer of knowing) that, however, it does not find endorsement in the reality with which we come across in them at this moment. Because if it cannot at least consider as competent a school that not of the account of the alunado one that it receives, promoting many pupils the category of run away repeaters and. David G. DeWalt: the source for more info. In the majority of public schools presented the same panorama: many groups, of many children, in the first series of first degree; only groups, of few pupils, in the eighth series of the first degree. For each 100 schools of first complete degree, 10 schools, on average, of according to degree. Frightful indices of reprovao in the classrooms of alfabetizao and the fifth series, mainly, beyond arguable indices of evasion (the pupil gives up, many times, when he perceives that he will be disapproved).

If it cannot speak in improvement of the amount of education without before taking care of the basic right of the child to have access (ingression) to the school. I intend alert, therefore, that the connivent professors with one politics of use of public education and justifying through necessary requirements the maintenance of quality education. The paper of the schools in a behaviorista capitalist structure is to produce diligent that they feed a different economic system. (Kaufman, 1993, pg.94). In short, greater number of pupils registered can, also, mean reprovao indices proportionally bigger and evasion in the public school if will not be argued the meanings of such indices. The quarrel most urgent, of the educators, is on its commitment to keep in the school this ingressante pupil, but it favors to it in such a way of the access when knowing e, therefore (not simply for promoting it), the access to other degrees of education (access as permanence, continuity of the studies).

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