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Paulo Parents

February 5, 2014 in News Tags:

Being thus, the child is encouraged to develop itself intellectually. If the biggest reason to play itself is to encourage the intellectual development and social of the child, it is important that the power of the adult is reduced pra that the children take decisions and face challenges. The difficulty and the challenge, passveis to be surpassed are that it pleases to the child in the game, and, so that it is interesting to play, is necessary that the child is interested party, cannot be never considered as an imposition, has that to be worked from a desire. This because he is the proper player whom it desires to prove its power. For Piaget (1945), game in school alone has importance when armed of its meaning functional, that is, the game alone if it becomes important when it is worked from an objective, and is by means of it that the child assimilates or interprets reality.

In this direction, it is that the school must provide the children, the manuscript with games, so that its intelligence observes these same realities. E, therefore, the main one of the manuscript with games is to make possible the exchange between citizen and way. E, these exchanges are that they defy the reasoning of a citizen that is constructor of its proper one to know (pupil). So that our work while professors who work with games are recognized, it is necessary that let us show to the parents, its importance inside of the classroom. As Kamii says, she is necessary that the parents recognize the educational value of the games and apiem the professors to use who them in the classroom Many professors have fear to use games for distrust of that the parents come to complain that the children do not take lies for house, leaving clearly that the children learn well more in games in group of what in many mimeografadas lies. From the hour where the parents know the way as we work in classroom, they can better understand our work and supporting in them.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES HAIDT, Regina Clia Cazaux. Course of General Didactics. So Paulo: it stokes, 1994 KAMI, Constance and Rheta de Vires. (trad. Clia marina Carrasqueira Days): Games in groups in the infantile education: Implications of the theory of Piaget. So Paulo: Cultural trajectory, 1991. P. 269-299. MACEDO, Lino. Four colors, password domin: workshop of games in a construtivista and psicopedaggica perspective. So Paulo: House of the Psychologist, 1997.

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