Venezuelan Education Superior
November 3, 2018 in News Tags: sport
" To educate is not to give race to live, but to temper the soul for the difficulties of vida." Pitgoras Unfortunately in the last years we have perceived, how the education superior of the country has come decaying in its academic excellence, until the ends that are questioned seriously, if they are really becoming qualified, training the professionals of the different disciplines that are offered with all those knowledge that the country requires and according to the reality of the advance of some sciences they have obtained, as well as the new educational technologies. It is a certain fact, according to our investigations, not only concerning pre and postgraduate, that we have perceived that many universities, including which it corresponds to us, the one of Carabobo, some of their races like the one of economy, industrial administration, relations, engineering and even their postgraduate, remained anchored in the old woman paradigms and that has not been taken very in serious by some authorities responsible for them, the necessity to generate the changes that entail to define new profile that is required, to take passage to training programs that involve subjects that provide the knowledge, tools that the present demand, more, in a country with turbulent, unstable, risky, full a scene of uncertainty like which it confronts, before the conflict to want the denominated one bolivariana revolution to establish a socialism that presents/displays many emptinesses, especially, in a country where the great majority of their inhabitant does not count on a solid political culture and really does not know, which is the reach, benefits, profits that can generate what Socialism of the 21st century has been denominated. It is not possible to be neglected fact, that in the public universities the academic thing must be determining, where their community integrated by all their human resource, from authorities, educational, investigating, students, administrative personnel, workers, must be integrated well in order to guarantee academicism, qualification, formation of suitable professionals, it is required of an audit, serious revision in order to determine how they are occurring his performance, how they are collaborating with the educational social responsibility to guarantee to the country professional able, not only to confront the facts, but to cause the necessary changes that they guarantee to the country, economic, social, cultural, the commercial thing, democracy especially in the creativity of new ideas, proposals balance in that entail to the country to guarantee an excellent quality of life, stability and profits. .