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Pupils and Teachers

October 31, 2012 in News Tags:

Many are the difficulties that the pupils with necessities special find to be accepted and recognized as human being equal to all. One of the teachers told: ' ' The pupils had passed for difficulties due to the preconception of the parents of the pupils who influenced the children to discriminate these estudantes.' ' It tells despite to solve such problem the educator is in each classroom to give to information to these pupils on the characteristics and limitations of the children special, in order to improve the conviviality between them. As Oliveiras (2004), the schools must accomodate all independently the pupils of its physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic conditions or others. To educate successfully all the pupils, including those with severe deficiencies. When requested to clarify which methodology sa teacher made use, they had affirmed that she constructs individual monthly and annual reports, and majority from the data of the report makes an analysis regarding the development of the learning capacity. To depend on this development, they apply an evaluation of regular education in order to verify if the pupil is prepared for the inclusion process. As Coll et.

al. (2004, P. 38) ' ' the pupils are different in its rhythm of learning and its personal ways to face the educational process and the construction of its conhecimentos' '. In the interview, the teacher tells that the main necessities of the pupils of this type of classroom are the memorization difficulty, and such to solve this problem use methods as, to count histories. to surpass the difficulties to calculate, makes concrete object use. Thus we can verify that the special education in these colleges searchs if to adjust the difficulties and limitations of each pupil being used resources, materials of support in order to get better conditions of education. Moreover, the professors demonstrated to good will when facilitating the contents to become simple the learning and, to create an environment of cooperation between the pupils, being elucidated that the integration without exclusion is alcanvel objective.

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