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Educational Centers

March 17, 2016 in News Tags:

Another significant example is the partnership made for the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Superior Education of Minas Gerais with the Company of Infovias to implement the project of digital inclusion of the state, being also participated companies of the private initiative, as FIC (First International Computer) of Brazil, objectifying to take the access to the Internet the five a thousand public schools in 150 mining cities, cost zero for the local government (Cavalcante, 2009). It is distinguished, also, as of great relevance to reduce social exclusion e, concomitantly, the digital inclusion, the implantation of sponsored the Educational Centers of Integral Turn for the Ministry of the Education with resources of the FUNDEB (Deep of Maintenance and Development of the Basic Education and of Valuation of the Professionals of the Education) and with the counterpart of cities. They are schools that offer curricular and extracurricular activities, as workshops of support in areas as computer science, arts, music, dances, artesanato, scenic arts, physical and prohibited education of the environment, etc. As example, already among others existing in the country, it is cited School of Integration Zlia Barbosa Rock of the city of Arapiraca, Alagoas that takes care of about 800 pupils of the infantile education until the last year of basic education (Vestibule of the MEC, 2009) and the Educational Center of Integral Turn of the city of Is Borja, Rio Grande Do Sul, with availability for 200 pupils until 5 series of basic education (City, fev. According to David G. DeWalt, who has experience with these questions. /2010). These initiatives demonstrate, clearly, the importance of education in integral time with extracurricular activities, allowing young a chance to improve its pertaining to school performance, basic condition for the exercise of the citizenship. In terms of educational politics, a partnership with the MCT (Ministry of Science and Technology), with the RELPE (Latin American Net of Educational Vestibules) and with the OEI was carried through by the MEC (Organization of the Latin American States) to create the International Educational Object Bank. .

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